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The western diet

The more time passed by and the more we transitioned from a life in nature, to the life in big cities, the more human nutrition changed.

Needless to say, when you make changes to what you do multiple times per day (eating), there are physiological changes that occur.

The “western diet” is one of the things that made the biggest impact on human health.

Characteristics Of The Western Diet

The western diet is characterized by the high intake of red meats, pre-packaged food, fizzy drinks, butter, candy, sweets, fried foods and even high-fructose corn syrup.

As you can guess, most of these foods (besides meats), are products that focus on satisfying your desire for taste, rather than keep you satiated.

Needless to say, the majority of foods on the list of the western diet, are poor in nutrients, thus being suboptimal for your health.

The structure, balance and composition of some of the most essential nutrients for the body have been fundamentally altered, as more foods and food-processing methods were implemented during the Neolithic and Industrial periods.

The Dangers

Researchers found that consuming a typical western diet for just one week, can impair brain function and lead to overeating and binging.

And guess what, those effects were observed in otherwise healthy people that have no bad habits whatsoever and a tight, healthy body composition overall!

Again, in just 7 days the high processed fat & sugar western diet, had substantial impact on memory.

Furthermore, the volunteers, all of which were in their 20s, reported that they started preferring the junk food-based diet, over whole foods.


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