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This Could Be You! Become Our Next Success Story.

Elizabeth Kidd

"I am happy to report that I have dropped down to a healthy size 6 and lost over 50 pounds"


- Elizabeth

I weighed 176 pounds!  At 5’2” I was obese.  I had gained weight and then put it back on over and over.  My company had some good programs to help you get and stay healthy.  I met with a nutritionist and I listened to her but said to myself…you already know all this stuff.  So I did it my way… I starved myself and didn’t exercise.  Sure enough, a few pounds came off but it was so hard to lose and I was tired all the time.


A year passed and I was still not exercising but had lost a few more pounds.  I slipped on some ice and fell and the fact I had no core strength managed to make for major back problems.  My doctor said, “You have 3 crummy discs”.  I went to physical therapy and had some medical treatment.  Yet, I still did not exercise.


That year in the fall we moved back to Katy Texas from the Midwest.  As time went on, I still was not being successful on my own!  Then, when I saw that a gym was being built just down the road I said I would join it as soon as it opened and I did.  By what I call a miracle Gabriel J. Lara called and offered to conduct a fitness assessment in order to create a program that would help with my goals.  I actually showed up and was convinced that I could benefit from using a personal trainer.  I signed up for a month of training and have been working with Gabe for the last 10 years.  I have never regretted that decision.  Through Gabe’s training and careful guidance, I have totally changed the way I look and feel.  I have a lot more energy and confidence.  I am stronger than I have ever been in my life and I have muscles too!  Now I look forward to working out.  I am eating a lot healthier but I am not on a restrictive diet!


I am happy to report that I have dropped down to a healthy size 6 and lost over 50 pounds.  I am looking forward now and not backward. I am 58 years old, so If I can do it, you can do it too!

Ashraf Wardeh

"I was able to lose more than 80 lbs and get myself back to my teenage weight. Since then I was able to stop all medications and pick up my favorite sport: road biking"


- Ashraf

Although I was physically active and did several sports during my college years. I started gaining weight in my late twenties, to the point where my obesity started to impact my overall health. I did not realize how bad it was till one day my son told me that someone was making fun of my weight while we were on vacation. I realized then that my obesity is depriving me of the opportunity to enjoy my time with my two boys, especially since both were athletic and played multiple sports.


It wasn't until my doctor told me that I had to start taking blood pressure medication that I decided to change my lifestyle and lose weight.  More than 4 years ago I was lucky to meet one of the best master trainers at a local gym in Katy Texas. Gabriel introduced me to healthy eating habits, a well-designed workout plan with purpose, and the right tools to track my calories and body composition.


In less than 10 months, I was able to lose more than 80 lbs and get myself back to my teenage weight. Since then I was able to stop all medications and pick up my favorite sport: road biking. Consequently, I was able to do the MS150 ride from Houston to Austin 3 times in a row.

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Sarah Barnett

"I was able to drop a total of 30 lbs and 10% body fat in one year. I've gone from a size 12 to a size 6 and I'm not done yet"


- Sarah Barnett

I have always had an active lifestyle and enjoyed fitness and nutrition, however, when my husband and I adopted our 2-year-old son, all the workouts and healthy eating habits went ignored as I spent all my free time with our son. 


Over the next 9-10 months I gained almost 30 lbs and hit the heaviest I had ever been.  I made the decision to get myself back in shape and was determined to be in the best shape I had ever been in my life.  I started consistently taking supplement products to help with my food cravings and to help me push myself during my workouts.  I was able to I dropped 7 lbs immediately. 


The following month I signed up with my trainer OJ Reyes. With the intense workouts and guidance he provided, the nutrition advice and support of my trainer husband James, and the consistent use of supplementation, I was able to drop a total of 30 lbs and 10% body fat in one year.  I’ve gone from a size 12 to a size 6 and I’m not done yet!  I’m a better mom and wife now that I have the energy and confidence to keep up with my family.  I couldn’t have gotten to where I am without the help and guidance of OJ.

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